I decide to post interesting posters of the movie in my future reviews
Do u see how funny those words are ?
(Sure, i am not a biased person and I simply feel this way)
As for the film,
what can I say?
it is not special
it is not surprising
it is not bad
it is just another movie for fun
but it does remind me that
"pursue for fun" is another common theme in Holleywood movie
for instance,
is also one good example which describes two elder and theri adventure before death
this kind of eagerness to "prove" one's existence in the world, to
leave something memorable ,
to be "someone" theme
seems to be addicted to Americans

OF course, I always like Jim Carrey and never hesitate to
have another his film.
I even like his appearance all the time
but this one is really especially non-creative
(Well, this coudl be one special thing about the film)
As for the heroine, recently it seems that
many people rediscover her and fall in love with her pleasnt smils
however, i just could not stop focusing on her bang
it is so lovely and makes her even more friendly and easuy-going
becuase of the flatness of the film, let me add one more picture of Jim
and I highly recommend you guys to take a look of his
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
WOw, what a beautiful title
the film is so touching and Jim with beard is sososososoo nice looking!