I have to confess that it takes me several months to remember that I have left so many movie unwritten. Of course, I doubt if there is anyone would notice this, still it seems like a responsibility to finish them. THus, I would strive to complete them. THis movie, Meet Job Black, is one of those movies that Brad Pitt is designated as a handsome icon whose function is nothing but attract female audience. I found it quite interesting, for the main characters are chosen pretty well. For instance, the heroine is few of the actresses who I think looks compatible with Brad Pitt. It is not easy to act side by side with such an amazing actor without being covered by his aura. Moreover, the father is the heroine is another surprise to the audience, who act so well that we almost forger how poorly Brad Pitt does his job. The humorous dialogue in the movie also add an relaxing atmosphere which distracts people from the coming death of the elder and the closeness of the God of death. Beside, the issue of death and expereince human life, father-daughter relationship is vital in the movie as well. While two girls are kind of competing for the love of the father, in the end of the movie, the elder shows his equal love to both and admits his different way of treating them. I deem that it is smart of the director to let the father confess his prejudice, for that is human nature to do so. Neverthelessly, the love between father and daughters would never cease. All in all, I recommend this movie for those who loves Brad Pitt!!!!!!!!

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