出 品 國:USA
出 品:Darren Star Productions
發 行 商:龍祥
導演: 編劇: 演員:

Girls seeing Sex and City would cry!?
Sure, why not!?
I am almost crying in several scenes.
For instance, in the very scene that Big dropped Carrie
and she can not help herself but beat in on the street.
THat's really heartbreaking for a bride!
Also, in the scene that Carrie moved across half New YOrk to
accompany her friend, I could feel their friendship...
And, I am tearing~~

All in all, even though boys have trouble to understand why
girls and women love this series, at least, it tells women the imporatnce
of friends besides MAN.
THis understanding defnintely has some benefit on men as well, for
women would try to figure out some difficult situation with
their friends instead of just crying at home all day long!
It really helps to talk to someone who knows you, isn't it?!
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