due to the recommendation from Miss lovely Tracy,
I start to read this detective novel written by Ian Rankin.
This author is quite famous recently, for his delicate depiction of the complicated murder event
and intriguingly portrait of the characters.
The main hero of the story, also the main character
for his Revus-series work, is Rebus the Inspector
who frequently, just like other miserable and busy heros of detective novels,
runs into strange accidents and exhausts himself to solve the problem.
Interestingly, Rebus is bo no means a start, easygoing, optimistic person;
on the other hand, he seems to be a very
negative, aged and heavy drinker.
He tends to transgress the common rules in doing research and
is considered the number one trouble maker by his supervisors and colleagues.
Back to the plot of the Falls, it depicts the mysterious absence of
a wealthy college student whose parents owns a bank and
whose boyfriend is immediately listed as the most possible murderer of her death.
Rankin smartly handles many storylines at the same time, and hardly lost the focus of the story.
By combining various characters with individual personality,
the author provides the readers chance to
choose whichever character they would identify with.
Also, the author is aware of the balence of the number of female and male characters
probably, i am over interpreting her; still, i think this is a good and wise way to
invite female readers.
Moreover, it is also possible for him to make a transitino to write a serie hosting by a female
detective anytime.
As a reviewer, I am always reluctant to relate to the content of the story,
especially for a detective story.
Still I recommand Rankin's works to those who have the leisure time,
since his novels are quite long.
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