
紐約浮世錄 (Synecdoche, New York)

影片年份:2008 出 品 國:USA

出  品:Likely Story 發 行 商:CatchPlay

導演: 編劇: 演員:
查理考夫曼 菲力普西蒙霍夫曼 凱瑟琳基納 Sadie Goldstein 彼得佛里曼 喬許派斯

actually, i am kind of reluctant to write down my comment on the movie. i have a feeling that it could crush out my established good sense of films. the truth is the film is so hard to understand and i can barely finish it. (well, i quit in the very last part)

i am sure that the leading actor Philips is talented and amazing. and i have no doubt that the director has lots of things to say about humanity, loneless, love, life, alienation, family, theatre.....etc. maybe it is just because there are so many of them, i feel tired right after the film passed one hour. those obvious intentional scenes which obviously demands interpretations really bother me and exhausts my attention. so., it's hard. and for those really smart people, please do watch it and tell me your afterthogughts!

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