
她的私密日記 private lives of pippa lee


出 品 國:USA  出  品:Elevation Filmworks  發 行 商:CatchPlay  
音  效: 導演: 編劇: 演員: 蕾貝卡米勒

蕾貝卡米勒 羅賓萊特潘 米克拜德 薇諾娜瑞德 基努李維

 actually it is kind of hard to decide whether i like this film or not,
as a not so much feminism advocator,
it seems i should like it
however, as a neo conversative who wichedly alters one's position
in terms of different events and happenings,
i am reluctant to say i totally agree what happened in the film.

the psychological of the mother leads to the suppressive life of the daughter,
affecting her whole life, and turning her into someone she does not like

it is definitely a cliche in feminist thinking.
the awakening of the woman always comes to late
and from time to time, leading to the corruption of the original lifestyle.

i do think there are ways to compomise between what she wants to be
and what she should be

the total breakup is hardly a modern strategy for modern women,
who know how to adjust themselves in this still slightly over patriarchal society

being able to survive in job is not equal to suppressive personality
and the anxiety to be perfect.

can't there exist someone who is born to be perfect?

perfect might not be hard and tiring for some women.

i am not that kind of women but i do believe they exist somewhere out there

so, if you are a big fan of feminism, you might pretty enjoy the film
if you are not, probably you would be inspire by it

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