
Nineteen Minutes by Judi Picoult

Actually I should not even try to rent a novel in my Chinese Lantern vocation back in Tainan, for
I still have hundreds of pages need to read. The new life and the new schedule definitely has stressed me somehow.

This is not Picoult's first novel and I hesitated a little to decide which one I should borrow first.
Is her very first boo? Or this one with the high recommentation?
Finally, I'd rather to start with something more common and popular
in cass it would ruin my vocation of its weight and boringness

the novel talks about an massacra happened in a senior high campus, which is designated by a constantly bullied boy
with her extraordinary writing skill, Picoult intertwines the different time period of the event.
However her strategy only makes the story clearer and reasonable

she depicts the mental activity of the teenager murderer delicately and sophisticatedly
moreover, unlike other writers who tend to ignore or weaken the dramatic effect of the end, for their focus
is to record the mind of the murderer or the victim.
Picoult prepares a surprising ending for the readers, and I believe this is what makes the novel so amazing
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