
Year One--您祖宗卡好~

出 品 國:USA 出  品:Apatow Productions

導演: 編劇: 演員:
哈洛雷米斯 傑克布萊克 麥可塞拉O 大衛克羅素


actually it is hard to describe my true feeling about this film it could be "it sucks~" , horrible and terrible, or disgusting~~~~~~~ well probably negative terms used for low-invested B movies. Even though it has Jack Black whose ROck Classroom (搖滾教室) might be considered as an epic, this film is still rotten to the center

but i also have to admit that if I am more aware of Christian history and Biblical stories, i might be able to enjoy the film Still I wonder if this change would be a good one. So eventually this film is so bad and disinteresting, I strongly you to avoid it~ Probably the only interesting thing is the strangeness of the Chinese title

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